[Kde-pim] Trouble with (OwnCloud) DAV resource and calendar in KOrganizer

Andreas Gungl a.gungl at gmx.de
Fri Jan 2 12:47:34 GMT 2015

Am Freitag, 2. Januar 2015, 10:14:21 schrieb Andreas Gungl:
> Happy New Year to all of you!
> I've got a question about the owncloud resource. I have a calendar in
> OwnCloud starting January 2014, which works fine in the browser and on the
> smartphone. That means, I can see all events in the calendar.
> However in KOrganizer I can see only events starting from end of September
> 2014. How can I make sure to get the whole contents from OwnCloud into my
> calendar in KOrganizer? Is there a hidden setting which collects only events
> from the last 90 days or so?
> I tried to sync the calendar, but it looks like nothing happens. Is there a
> way to track what's done during the fetch?
> Best regards and thanks in advance,
> Andreas

Well, I've found it in caldavprotocol.cpp:34

	QString startTime = 

I don't think it's a good practice to hardcode such values. Given you have a 
calendar in a DAV resource and you intend using it for the first time with 
KOrganizer, you don't have a chance to get all events. There should be at 
least an option to override that limit temporarily.

I could work around it by setting the system date back in the past, but after 
the date has been refetched from a NTP server, I've lost all older events in 
the DAV resource again. :-(

Best regards,

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