[Kde-pim] Does KDE PIM development need focusing?

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at kde.org
Tue Feb 24 22:24:33 GMT 2015

Hi all,

it's great to see the new enthusiasm for KDE PIM development, e.g. with 

Reading the "akonadinext update" thread with its discussion about mail 
filtering and spam filtering I somehow got the feeling that something is 
wrong. That we are maybe trying to solve a problem in the client that 
shouldn't be solved in the client. Yes, some people need client-side filtering 
so we cannot not offer client-side filtering. But we need to ask the question 
whether it's worth implementing a complicated solution for those poor souls.

This made me thing of the "vision" thread (from November last year, but I've 
read it only some days ago) on kde-community.

So, now I'm asking myself (and you) whether we should focus KDE PIM 
development by targeting a specific group of users for the upcoming larger 
improvements like akonadinext, so that we can more easily make decisions. At 
least, initially. I can name three sufficiently distinct groups of users:
* corporate users
** use central mail server (w/ server-side filtering capabilities and 
centralized virus and spam filtering)
* private power users
** access their mail accounts from multiple machines
** often use server-side filtering
* normal private users
** use a single computer for reading their mail
** mostly use client-side filtering (or no filtering at all)

Of course, it's not all that black and white.

Personas would help with this. IMO we, or rather you, who are doing the work, 
(you do probably have a specific target group in mind already) should define 2 
or 3 personas as representatives of the initial target group (it should only 
be one of the groups I listed above) for the upcoming improvements.

Anyway, these are just my somewhat incoherent thoughts about the current drive 
in KDE PIM. It would be a shame if this drive would go wasted because of an 
unclear focus and a resulting unclear or wrong prioritization.

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