[Kde-pim] Killing kpimutils framework

Daniel Vratil dvratil at redhat.com
Mon Sep 29 12:42:17 BST 2014


during Akademy we came to conclusion that we want to kill the kpimutils 
"framework" in kdepimlibs, before we start splitting the frameworks into 
repositories. Right now it's an dumping ground for random classes, so we want 
to get rid of it of course :)

I tried to split it and move the classes to other existing frameworks, but run 
into problems with dependencies. Let me know what do you think about this, or 
if you have better ideas how to split the framework :)

Email - should be renamed to EmailAddress and could be moved to KCodecs - it's 
a generic email address parser/validation tool that could be useful in many 
cases outside PIM. The reason for moving it to KCodecs instead of KCoreAddons 
is that it depends on KMime::{encode,decode}RFC2047String() methods and 
there's already decodeRFC2047String() available in KCodecs, so if we add 
encodeRFC2047String() to KCodecs (which IMO makes sense), we could move it 
there. Maybe we could move the "more robust" encode/decode implementation from 
KMime into KCodecs too when at it.

EmailValidator - a simple QValidator subclass that uses the above-mentioned 
Email class to validate email addresses. Because of that, it would have to go 
to KCodecs too, and KCodecs would have to depend on QtGui - if that's 

KFileIO - methods for reading and writing files that will do all possible and 
impossible error handling for you. Not sure if it makes sense to have this 
around - error messages from QFile should be already localized from lib. Could 
either be removed, or could be moved to KCoreAddons - I'd just port it away 
from KMessageBox and let applications to show the error on their own.

LinkLocator - probably another adept for KCodecs or KCoreAddons - given a 
text, it can extract all email addresses from it (not using the Email class 
above), convert text into HTML (stuff like */_ markup and links are converted 
into HTML entities)  - it also supports converting smileys into inline images 
using KEmoticons - which again makes it problematic to put it into a Tier 1 
framework - we could only remove the smileys support to get rid of that 
dependency, otherwise I don't know what other framework would be a good home 
for this class.

ProgressIndicatorLabel and ProgressIndicatorWidget - widgets that show a 
spinner animation and a label when you call start() on it, and hides when you 
call stop() - we though it could be moved to KWidgetAddons, but unfortunatelly 
it requires KIconLoader from KIconTheme (Tier 3) framework to be able to load 
progressindicator icon/animation from /usr/share/icons, so for now we move it 
to kdepim/pimcommon/widgets (since it's only used in KDE PIM apps), and try to 
figure out what to do with that later.


Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
KDE Desktop Team
Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat

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