[Kde-pim] Trying to understand mail filtering handling with maildir resource

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sun Jul 13 14:14:09 BST 2014


In order to finally break^H^H^H^H^H fix up performance of maildir resource I try 
to understand maildir filtering handling with maildir resource. Especially I 
want to ask the question:

Why does filtering mails into a folder trigger a full folder sync including 
comparing all files each time?

I started from libmaildir and the only case it compares full directory 
contents seem to be in 

838 void Maildir::refreshKeyCache()                                                                                                                    
839 {
840   KeyCache::self()->refreshKeys( d->path );
841 }

which calls:

 26 void KeyCache::addKeys( const QString& dir )
 27 {
 28   if ( !mNewKeys.contains( dir ) ) {
 29     mNewKeys.insert( dir, listNew( dir ) );
 30     //kDebug() << "Added new keys for: " << dir;
 31   }
 33   if ( !mCurKeys.contains( dir ) ) {
 34     mCurKeys.insert( dir, listCurrent( dir ) );
 35     //kDebug() << "Added cur keys for: " << dir;
 36   }
 37 }
 39 void KeyCache::refreshKeys( const QString& dir )
 40 {
 41     mNewKeys.remove( dir );
 42     mCurKeys.remove( dir );
 43     addKeys( dir );
 44 }

which essential calls the routines I switched not to sort the filenames. The 
routines which list all the filenames of a mail folder into a buffer.

Maildir resource calls this in:

711 void MaildirResource::slotDirChanged(const QString& dir)
712 { 
713   QFileInfo fileInfo( dir );
714   if ( fileInfo.isFile() ) {
715     slotFileChanged( fileInfo );
716     return;
717   }
719   if ( dir == mSettings->path() ) {
720     synchronizeCollectionTree();
721    synchronizeCollection( Collection::root().id() );
722     return;
723   }

TODO: Figure out what these exactly do.


void ResourceBase::synchronizeCollection 	( 	qint64  	id	) 	

This method is called whenever the collection with the given id shall be 

Definition at line 1071 of file resourcebase.cpp.

isn´t exactly helpful. What does synchronize mean?

Hmmm, okay it calls an collection fetch job, so retrieves all items from it

725   if ( dir.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".directory" ) ) ) {
726     synchronizeCollectionTree(); //might be too much, but this is not a 
common case anyway
727     return;
728   }
730   QDir d( dir );
731   if ( !d.cdUp() )
732     return;
734   Maildir md( d.path() );
735   if ( !md.isValid() )
736     return;
738   md.refreshKeyCache();

And this probably is in there to make sure KeyCache of libmaildir also has the 
most recent view on things… but why? Shouldn´t it always have it.

So everytime the dir is changed this is called.

Yet I so not understand why it is called on filter. Thus I looked in filteragent 
in kdepim… there is

445 bool FilterManager::processContextItem( ItemContext context )
446 {
459         if ( context.moveTargetCollection().isValid() && 
context.item().storageCollectionId() != context.moveTargetCollection().id() ) 
460             if ( itemCanDelete  ) {
461                 Akonadi::ItemMoveJob *moveJob = new Akonadi::ItemMoveJob( 
context.item(), context.moveTargetCollection(), this );                  
462                 connect( moveJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), 
SLOT(moveJobResult(KJob*)) );
463             } else {
464                 return false;
465             }
466         }

which is called from

406 bool FilterManager::process( const Akonadi::Item& item, bool 
needsFullPayload, const MailFilter* filter )

ItemMoveJob is in kdepim-runtime/filestore.

I looked there as well… but didn´t yet get, how these mail folder 
synchronisations on filtering get called.

I am tempted to remove

738   md.refreshKeyCache();

for testing from the slotDirChanged method, but I do not really completely 
understand the implications of it.

Is there a flow chart of mail filtering handling?

Anyone willing to explain to me how it works? Can make an appointment on IRC 
and I will post the results here.

Any high level overview of how all this Akonadi stuff works, how the individual 
parts interconnect with each other?

I also looked at the method reference earlier already, but it didn´t help me 
to see the forest instead of the single trees.

I will probably try to dig deeper anyway. But for now this is where my 
research is. All I assume is that a ton of needless work is involved. I would 
expect mail filtering to just involve the

 46 void KeyCache::addNewKey( const QString& dir, const QString& key )
 47 {
 48     mNewKeys[dir].insert( key );
 49   // kDebug() << "Added new key for : " << dir << " key: " << key;
 50 }
 52 void KeyCache::addCurKey( const QString& dir, const QString& key )
 53 {
 54     mCurKeys[dir].insert( key );
 55   // kDebug() << "Added cur key for : " << dir << " key:" << key;
 56 }
 58 void KeyCache::removeKey( const QString& dir, const QString& key )
 59 {
 60   //kDebug() << "Removed new and cur key for: " << dir << " key:" << key;
 61     mNewKeys[dir].remove( key );
 62     mCurKeys[dir].remove( key );
 63 }

methods of maildir instead of hovering over all files in the folder over and 
over and over again. These methods would just remove and add the one file of 
the mail that is moved.

Making this change could superboost mail filtering with large maildirs big 
time, I bet.

Also… as the name suggests this is a cache. So we have a cache in libmaildir 
and a cache in Akonadi and a cache on the operating system level. Why?

If you have any hint that may help me to fit my single pieces of research 
together to some grand enlightment on how Akonadi works, I am all ears. I am 
holding a training next week again, I may be able to show up on IRC. Otherwise 
its next weekend or after that.

I am willing to document things I learn.

Actually I think I am not missing all that much anymore. Just can´t connect 
the single parts spread over several git repos together yet.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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