[Kde-pim] QtQuick ToDo API / Plasmoid

Mark Gaiser markg85 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 15:12:54 GMT 2014

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, it would be nice to Kontact Touch Task to the API too .Besides , in
> todo API , I planned of implementing updating,modifying and deleting todo
> too .I am not sure though now, if it is big enough for gsoc ?

This is what i would call big enough for GSoC based on my experience
in making the components as they are there right now.

GSoC QtQuick ToDo API / Plasmoid
- Fetch all todo items (one line change)
- New dedicated C++ classes for Todo handling. Those would be just
helpers for QML. [1]
- Todo Add support including the possible properties [2]
- Todo Update support including the possible properties [2]
- Todo delete support
- A Qt4 based plasmoid (or kontact touch) showoff case demonstrating
Todo items along with adding new ones, deleting and updating existing

[1] You would need some abstract general way of creating new todo
items, deleting them or updating them.
I did start functionality like that and was able to modify a few
events (not todo!) but never continued it for full support. You can
find that code here:
It is very hackish and should _not_ be extended as "the way to go".
This is probably the most difficult thing to make because there are a
few different ways to do such things. I've started a discussion about
different possibilities for exactly that a while ago on this list:
http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&m=137484240630364&w=2 If you make this
it should be aimed at being usable for Todo, Event, Journal.. They all
share the same base properties that you can find in Incidence thus
you'd probably end up with a structure like:
class Incidence: public QObject {
  ... base properties

class Todo : public Incidence {
  ... todo specific properties

class Event : public Incidence {
  ... event specific properties

That will take you quite a while to implement.

[2] http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdepimlibs-apidocs/kcalcore/html/classKCalCore_1_1Todo.html

> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > -- seems like i pressed send to quick --
>> Yes, you did :p !
>> >Do know that i'm using the "ETMCalendar" helper class to fetch events.
>> I think it can fetch todo items as well .
>> as far as I remember , even in calendar component todo was implemented in
>> my digital clock plasmoid [1] using your component [2] where I was able to
>> fetch todo in my commit "contains Todo items " [3] .
>> Further , how the testing of this model should be done in a generic way ?
>> (I could implement a todo plasmoid using Qt  but that is plasma specific? )
>> Further who is the expected mentor for this idea among Kevin,Michael and
>> other pim members ?
>> [1]http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/bZBuSBIqlPxnHr2xcSwy
>> [2]
>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdepim-runtime.git&a=shortlog&h=a86e3db1a2bd6ac7aeb4d0e85420b45b78a32337
>> [3]
>> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdepim-runtime.git&a=blobdiff&h=082315a17a0184e10c830e5cfdf3e10dfa7f5ffc&hp=d845085daa7dd6c6644d3bdbc219481d36636a34&hb=5d8019c7ace5eada7043ea226f67a15c109c084a&f=qml%2Fcalendar%2Fcalendardayhelper.cpp
>> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 9:51 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Will implementing a model for todo , independent of plasma libs , using
>>> akonadi and pimlibs and testing it by implementing a applet for todo using
>>> Qt 4.7 , a generic way to do it?
>>> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> >You can do this if you port kdepimlibs to Qt 5.
>>>> >Another option would be to use QDBusInterface like you suggested
>>>> >already. But is that worth the extra trouble?
>>>> >Regarding the dataengine. As Michael said, that will make the
>>>> >components dependent on Plasma. Just going for a QML import is the
>>>> >most generic way to make this work.
>>>> I guess porting kdepimlibs to Qt 5 coulde be an option ,but it may not be the required idea for gsoc .
>>>> @Mark Could it be implemented along the lines you implemented the calendar component ? (I think so ..)
>>>> @all QDBusInterface could be an option . Yes, implementing a data engine would be plasma specific .May be, initially a todo plasmoid could be implemented to test it and then this idea can be extrapolated (for which I need some suggestions :) ).
>>>> Regards
>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Heena Mahour <heena393 at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I was browsing through the gsoc ideas list and I am interested in
>>>>> implementing a Todo plasmoid using akonadi .
>>>>> It is a bit similar to the idea I suggested back to Kevin (which he
>>>>> proposed in gsoc 2012 ) about plasma integration for akonadi .
>>>>> So in this idea , what I plan is (correct me if I am wrong , or have
>>>>> any suggestions :) )
>>>>> Firstly , implement a todo dataengine :
>>>>> ->It will do fetch job that is fetch the todo list from korganizer
>>>>> using akonadi .
>>>>> ->It will show the start date and end date of the todo .
>>>>> ->It will show the todo summary
>>>>> ->It will show todo status
>>>>> ->It will show how much % is done so far.
>>>>> (..and as suggested )
>>>>> Then , an for developing an applet
>>>>> ->QDBusInterface will be used to make d-bus call and connect to dbus
>>>>> signals
>>>>> ->the applet will be developed first using Qt4.7
>>>>> After that , a QML frontend will be deveoped to fetch the todo list
>>>>> using the dataengine .
>>>>> After that , since plasma is now plasma2 .This plasmoid shall be ported
>>>>> to Qt 5.2 and QML 2.0
>>>>> Suggestions ?
>>>>> Let me give a brief introduction about me as well :
>>>>> Well,I like contributing to KDE and is using kubuntu since two years .
>>>>> I was a season of kde 2012 participant in kde-edu .Later,I contributed
>>>>> to plasma-workspace in google summer of code 2013 by porting plasmoids to
>>>>> plasma2 .
>>>>> I also mentored in google code in 2013 and have resolved few kde bugs
>>>>> as well .
>>>>> I am kind of interested in developing plasmoids .In kde-pim,I have
>>>>> submitted a few patches in calendar as well :) .
>>>>> Regards !
>>>>> --
>>>>> -Heena
>>>>> Season of kde'12 participant
>>>>> Google Summer of Code 2013
>>>>> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
>>>>> http://about.me/heena.mahour
>>>>> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
>>>> --
>>>> -Heena
>>>> Season of kde'12 participant
>>>> Google Summer of Code 2013
>>>> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
>>>> http://about.me/heena.mahour
>>>> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
>>> --
>>> -Heena
>>> Season of kde'12 participant
>>> Google Summer of Code 2013
>>> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
>>> http://about.me/heena.mahour
>>> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
>> --
>> -Heena
>> Season of kde'12 participant
>> Google Summer of Code 2013
>> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
>> http://about.me/heena.mahour
>> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
> --
> -Heena
> Season of kde'12 participant
> Google Summer of Code 2013
> Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
> http://about.me/heena.mahour
> http://heenamahour.blogspot.in
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