[Kde-pim] fixing mbox - general Akonadi problem ?
Daniel Vrátil
dvratil at redhat.com
Wed Feb 12 17:54:43 GMT 2014
On Wednesday 12 of February 2014 18:22:40 Martin Koller wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 February 2014 17:41:26 Daniel Vrátil wrote:
> > When you delete a mail from MboxResource::itemRemoved() and there are more
> > items waiting for deletion in ChangeRecorder's pipeline, it's necessary to
> > modify RIDs of all emails affected by the compaction BEFORE
> > changeProcessed() is called. This should cause all other items pending
> > deletion in
> > ChangeRecorder's pipeline to be refetched from Akonadi with updated RID.
> I tried that but that still fails because I try to modify all other moved
> entries via the following code where I want to retrieve the other Akonadi
> Items via an ItemFetchJob but obviously during the exec() event loop, I
> just get the next call to MboxResource::itemRemoved() :-(
> Is that completely wrong what I do here ?
> // change all remoteIds of the moved items (all items after the deleted
> one change their offset in the file)
> if ( !movedEntries.isEmpty() ) {
> qDebug() << "#movedEntries=" << movedEntries.count();
> Item::List movedItems;
> const QString colId = QString::number( mboxCollection.id() );
> const QString colRid = mboxCollection.remoteId();
> foreach (const KMBox::MBoxEntry::Pair &p, movedEntries) {
> Item movedItem;
If it's not too difficult (and slow) to extract Message-ID headers from each
message, you might want to use setGID() instead of setRemoteId(). The reason
is that in the database the GID column has an index, while remoteId column
does not, so looking up the items based on GID will be faster.
> movedItem.setRemoteId( colId + QLatin1String("::") + colRid +
> QLatin1String("::") + QString::number( p.first.messageOffset() ) );
> movedItems << movedItem;
> }
> ItemFetchJob *fetchItemsJob = new ItemFetchJob( movedItems );
You can optimize the fetch scope a little:
// Don't fetch MTIME attribute
// Don't fetch remote ID and remote revision attributes (you don't
// need them now)
> fetchItemsJob->setCollection( mboxCollection );
> if ( !fetchItemsJob->exec() ) {
> cancelTask( i18n( "Could not fetch ids of items to be moved: %1",
> fetchItemsJob->errorString() ) ); return;
> }
> qDebug() << "#movedEntries=" << movedEntries.count() << " fetched
> items=" <<fetchItemsJob->items().count();
*theoretically* (and I'm really not sure about it) - some items could have
been deleted on server in the meanwhile, causing the fetch job to return fewer
> Q_ASSERT( movedEntries.count() == fetchItemsJob->items().count() );
> for (int i = 0; i < movedEntries.count(); i++) {
> Item itemToMove = fetchItemsJob->items()[i];
> qDebug() << "item to move:" << itemToMove.remoteId() <<
> itemToMove.id(); const KMBox::MBoxEntry::Pair &p = movedEntries[i];
> itemToMove.setRemoteId( colId + QLatin1String("::") + colRid +
> QLatin1String("::") + QString::number( p.second.messageOffset() ) );
> qDebug() << "item to move new rid:" << itemToMove.remoteId();
> movedItems[i] = itemToMove;
> }
> changesCommitted(movedItems); // is that correct ?
Yes, it should be OK. ResourceBase::changesComitted() internally starts
ItemModifyJob with all the items and when it finishes, it calls
changeProcessed() to start a next task. I think however that it would be more
clear to call the ItemModifyJob manually from here and then just call
changeProcessed() when it finishes.
> > Porting MBox resource to ObserverV3 which supports batch deletions and
> > flags changes could help too. It should speed up the resource notably,
> > because it could do compaction after the entire batch is processed,
> > preventing ChangeRecorder from flushing and refetching the entire cache
> > for pipelined notifications after every single item being processed.
> will have a look into this when deletion finally works.
Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at redhat.com | dvratil on #kde-devel, #kontact, #akonadi
KDE Desktop Team
Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat, Inc.
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