[Kde-pim] A little challenge for you…

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sun Apr 6 12:51:39 BST 2014


… I found some maildir folder of about 77000/78000 mails being mentioned in 
several git commits with fixes for performance and move operation and stuff.

A mail folder like this sounds somewhat familiar to me as I send I think 
Andras a linux kernel Akonadi maildir folder once. :)

Well, since then some time passed and as I did not yet place back my mixed 
maildir resource from KMail 1 days which I used to achieve stuff to mbox 
folders, and I do not think folder archive agent is a suitable replacement for 
it, as I still want to be able to access the old mails once in a while from 
within KMail, I did not yet set up any achieving to far…

… which makes the folder 228485 unread mails big as of now. Yes, thats true. 

I am willing to pack this up and upload it somewhere, if some of you seek some 
test case which will most certainly performance issues and bottlenecks.

Please send me a private mail and I´d pack up the folder with lbzip2 or xz and 
make is available via some password protected webspace.

I meanwhile at least checked out recent Akonadi server and Akonadi PIM libs 
code. I think I need to compile both. I think that


contains necessary instruction. And I think its possible to test out Akonadi 
compiled from git with KDEPIM 4.12.4 as in Debian unstable at the moment. Is 
that correct? I already use Akonadi 1.12.0 from Debian packages there.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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