[Kde-pim] KDEPIM-2 from KDE SC 4.10.2 - first impressions

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Apr 13 11:37:18 BST 2013

On Friday 12 April 2013 13:22:01 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> On Friday 12 April 2013 13:16:59 Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > As said, I can deal with those. My first impression is that expecially
> > the  feeding of mail data into Nepomuk via the Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder
> > creates responsive issues which I wouldn´t expect on a ThinkPad T520
> > with
> > dual corse Sandybridge i5-2520M mobile processor and Intel SSD 320.
> > 
> > I now let it sit at the state:
> > 
> > Akonadi Nepomuk Feeder:
> > Nepomuk is not operational: Nepomuk is not running
> > 
> > (while is currently indexes files and thus for sure is running.)
> > 
> > Once Nepomuk finished the mails I will dare to restart the agent.
> > Anyway,
> > thats another issue:
> This is already reported as:
> Bug 318110 - akonadi-nepomuk-feeder isn't detecting Nepomuk properly when
> system boots.

I found some more issues, also it seems to be mainly related to 
responsiveness and performance.


[Akonadi] [Bug 318281] New: KMail doesn´t respond: ItemRetrieverException : 
Unable to retrieve item from resource

This one had some scary messages in .xsession-errors, I reported separately, 
cause with PIM data I am quite concerned about correctness and none of those 
messages IMHO is supposed to be there, unless there is a real issue, which 
then is good to fix:

[kmail2] [Bug 318283] New: KMail/libakonadi: Got a stale notification for an 
item which was already removed

[Akonadi] [Bug 318284] New: Messages like 'Payload file 
"[…].local/share/akonadi/file_db_data/797210_r0" is missing, trying to 

I am ignoring quite a lot of whats in ~/.xsession-errors, but I think I will 
also report Plasma related qml error messages and others over time.

Aside from that it basically works, and is even quite silent now. Just one 
core for Virtuoso and I even had it completely silent.

Anyway, I didn´t expect that kind of performance related issue on a 

On a ThinkPad T520 with Intel Sandybridge i5-2520M 2,5GHz, that the ThinkPad 
lets overclock itself to about 3/3.2 GHz for extended period of times, 
hyperthreaded dual core CPU, 8 GB of RAM, and an 300 GB SATA 300 Intel SSD 

This machine is still pretty high spec IMHO and I think Akonadi is supposed 
to work at least somewhat nicely on a ThinkPad T42 single core Pentium M 
machine with laptop harddisk as well for example.

My issues may be related to using BTRFS with LZO, but I doubt it, since the 
SSD is not using all of its bandwidth / IOPS. atop consistently reports 
there are is some reserve left. Also the all four logical cores are not 
always fully used. Sometimes KMail stalls with "just" two cores being used. 
Since then also the synchronization of my biggest maildir resource seems to 
be stuck at some folder I suspect a communication issue between the different 
components involved.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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