[Kde-pim] draft proposal

Thomas Tanghus thomas at tanghus.net
Thu Apr 4 20:33:14 BST 2013

On Wednesday 03 April 2013 21:03:14 Heena Mahour wrote:
> 1)KDE currently has multiple notes plasmoids to store user notes. The best
> looking plasmoid is currently the one that plasma ships, but it does not
> use akonadi to store notes. It would be better to have one plasmoid which
> looks awesome and stores data in Akonadi and retiring other plasmoids.
> 2)?? (Please suggest)

As a long time user of the "plain" knotes app, I am very happy to see that 
someone cares for this for me crucial part of the desktop :)

Well actually there are several notes implementations for both Plasma an 


- AkoNotes: Uses a maildir backend
- Notes: Uses a ICS file.


- Notes
- Leave a Note

I have yet to find out how either of them play together; for me the only 
working option is knotes.

My dream scenario is to have various backends working with various Plasma 

Frontend ideas:

- A plasma desktop widget showing a browsable stack of notes in the configured 
backend, and when added to a panel works like current knotes.
- Give the Notes part of Kontact some TLC so it's usable - which it isn't in 
the current implementation. 


- Maildir
- ICS file using VJOURNAL
- CalDAV resource using VJOURNAL. That is  on top of my wish list :)
- Support for the popular smartphone note app formats like EverNote etc.

In general support for tags/groups categories of some kind would be very nice. 
The iCal format already has the CATEGORIES field for this.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen

Thomas Tanghus
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