[Kde-pim] problem when integration kdepim4 package in my project

Michaƫl Parchet mparchet at sunrise.ch
Fri Nov 9 16:16:33 GMT 2012

> Hello,
> I would like to integrate, and possibly adapt  some kdepim4 component in my qt project such as address book,  diary, contact editor etc...
> When I try to call components from my code and try to compile, I get thees errors (see attachment for more details).
> Here is an extract of my code.
> #include "kdepim-4.8.5/kaddressbook/mainwidget.h"
> #include <KDE/KABC/AddresseeDialog>
> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> wiget.show();
>     KABC::AddresseeDialog dialog = new KABC::AddresseeDialog(w);
>     w.show();
>     dialog.show();
>     return a.exec();
> }
> Note : In my example, I use the macport kdepim4 version but I got the same error with the standard kde pim package.
> Tanks by advance for your help.
> Best regards
> mparchet
> PS my os is os 110.8.2 but the project destination os is windows 7 but it's important that this program can compile everywhere.

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