[Kde-pim] UID issues

Shaheed Haque srhaque at theiet.org
Mon May 7 19:37:57 BST 2012


At some point recently, between running kdepim 4.8 and 4.8.2 (I suspect
since4.8.2), the Exchange calendar resource started spewing these messages:

korgac(3428): Ignoring item. item.id() =  150336 ; cached id =  156488 ;
item uid =  "1/1q8jf66vl1hjx/2yngaad0sv0i" ; calendar =  "KOrgac's
calendar" ; existed in cache =  true ; storageCollection.id() =  110 ;
parentCollection.id() =  110 ; hasParent =  false ; knowParent =  false
korgac(3428): Ignoring item. item.id() =  150336 ; cached id =  0 ; item
uid =  "1/1q8jf66vl1hjx/2yngaad0sv0i" ; calendar =  "KOrgac's calendar" ;
existed in cache =  false ; storageCollection.id() =  110 ;
parentCollection.id() =  110 ; hasParent =  false ; knowParent =  false
korgac(3428): Possible cause is that the resource isn't explicitly  setting
an uid ( and a random one is generated )

Any ideas as to what is going on? I've looked a the code emitting this
message in lxr.kde.org, but cannot make head nor tail of why it is being
emitted. Some odd things:

1. This ONLY occurs for events which have exceptions, and further it only
happens when the event/exception changes.

2. Note how I *am* supplying a UID. If I don't then I do indeed see one of
the standard form UIDs. (My UIDs are set from my remote IDs, and are of the
form <number>/<base36num>/<base36num> as shown).

3. Note the paired messages? The first has a non-zero cached id, but the
second message has it as zero. The second message is emitted after the
ItemCreate for the exception - this has a different remote ID, but the UID
is of course the same as the base event.

4. korganizer shows the exception when first added, but when the
event/exception chnages, and the above meesages are emitted, the exception

Did something change in 4.8.2 (or possibly 4.8.1) in this area?

Thanks, Shaheed
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