[Kde-pim] Phantom akonadi IMAP resources

Jörg Schaible joerg.schaible at gmx.de
Mon Feb 27 18:58:53 GMT 2012

Hi Shaheed,

it sees that I finally found the cause: 

Summary: There's no memory leak, but a buggy script (kmail_clamav.sh) that 
doubles the size of the mail each time it is scanned. One of my mails in the 
inbox have now grown silently over the last 3 weeks to 540MB - and it is not 
the only one. No wonder that the process dies at some stage. I got 
suspicious when I could reproduce the crash in akonadiconsole by browsing 
into my inbox.

The main question is now: How can I cleanup this mess again? A lot of mails 
on my server have been scanned and doubled a multiple times.


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