[Kde-pim] Blogilo Spell-Checking

Marcus Harrison marcus at harrisonland.co.uk
Thu Feb 2 18:06:22 GMT 2012

Re-sent with the correct E-mail address this time.

Hello everyone!

I've been working on getting spell-checking working in Blogilo since it 
appears that Blogilo has stagnated in development. I'm entering into 
programming, and this felt like a good, small piece of code to write/fix (and 
a feature that I've wanted in Blogilo for a while).

I've written to Mehrdad Momeny about it, and he suggested that I ask how KMail 
does it (as I understand it, KMail also uses a webkit-based editor for its 
HTML editor which includes spell-checking).

I have a tiny patch that successfully brings up a spell-checking dialogue, but 
it doesn't replace miss-spelt words in the actual editing widget and in-line 
spell-checking doesn't work. I'm currently bashing my head against the API 
documentation for Sonnet, but I think I'm likely going to have to do some 
weird import from/export to HTML shenanigans.

Could I bother you guys for any advice?

Thanks in advance!
Marcus Harrison
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