[Kde-pim] Problem with bulk fetching of items with 4.8
Shaheed Haque
srhaque at theiet.org
Sat Feb 4 19:52:47 GMT 2012
I think I need something like the below, but I can't seem to make the
sparql query tab in akonadiconsole do anything, and I've no idea how
to express the mydate or limit the search to the collection I care
"PREFIX nie:<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/01/19/nie#> "
"PREFIX nco:<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#> "
"SELECT ?itemId WHERE { "
" ?r <" + akonadiItemIdUri().toEncoded() + "> ?itemId . "
" ?r a nco:PersonContact . "
" ?r nie:created ?created . "
" FILTER (?created < mydate^^<some-date-specifier>)"
Clueful input welcome!
Thanks, Shaheed
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