[Kde-pim] I lose sometimes mail from pop3

Thomas McGuire mcguire at kde.org
Thu Aug 25 23:12:32 BST 2011


On Wednesday, August 24, 2011 09:02:37 AM you wrote:
> Thanks for all this infos.
> But I don't have rules to remove from server.
> I leave on server that's all.
> I can see email on my server (so I can told you that some emails is
> loosing) but I can't find it on my local folder.
> So pop3 "told" that email was download (because it doesn't download it) but
> don't write on my file system, and don't know why.

Ok, seems I totally misunderstood the problem at first. I thought the mail was 
deleted from the server, but that isn't the case.
Rather, a mail that is on the server is not delivered to the inbox.
I see three potential causes for this:
1) The server actually doesn't list the email
2) The POP3 resource mistakenly thinks it already downloaded the mail before 
   and therefore it refuses to download the mail
3) Akonadi looses the mail after the POP3 resource passes the mail to Akonadi 
   with an ItemCreateJob

1) is highly unlikely. It does actually happen for GMail last time I tested 
   though, since they only show the ~300 last mails in the mail listing with 
   the POP3 protocol. Laurent, you are not using GMail, are you?
   Thinking of this, we should probably create a patch to disalllow leaving on 
   server if a GMail account is detected. Anyone who wants to try that?

2) Maybe you could try logging into your POP3 server with telnet and trying to 
   find the UID of the mail that was not downloaded? Then you can check if the 
   UID is in the config file of the POP3 resource. However this would 
   require a bit of scripting work to find the mail, and the result would be 
   inconclusive, since that could be a result of 3) as well.

3) I have the hunch it is probably this. The POP3 resource checks the return 
   value of the ItemCreateJob it uses to pass the mail to Akonadi, but if 
   things really go wrong, it would probably fail silently.

I have double-checked the POP3 resource code for the case that ItemCreateJob 
fails and for the case that it is canceled or set offline at the shutdown of 
KMail, and I could not find an obvious issue.

Without a way to reproduce, I can not help much further, sorry.
Maybe a network traffic dump + POP3 resource debug output would help, but I am 
not sure.

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