[Kde-pim] ASSERT while starting akonadiconsole

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Sat Sep 18 12:56:51 BST 2010

Hey Steve,

I've akonadiconsole ASSERTing on startup while trying to get Lion Mail to work 
with 'latest state of the art' (all trunk PIM). The assert is:

ASSERT failure in KConfigGroup::writeEntry: "writing to a read-only group", 
file /home/sebas/kdesvn/src/kdelibs/kdecore/config/kconfiggroup.cpp, line 945

Backtrace is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495843

Possibly related, the treeview showing collection (the checkable one) doesn't 
get populated, while I'm seemingly able to retrieve collections through the 

Can you make some sense out of this?


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