[Kde-pim] KDEPIM Needs More TIme

Martin Steigerwald Martin at lichtvoll.de
Thu Jun 3 15:18:00 BST 2010

Hi Ingo et al,

Am Freitag 14 Mai 2010 schrieb Ingo Klöcker:
> On Friday 14 May 2010, Allen Winter wrote:
> > Howdy All,
> > 
> > I regret to inform everyone that kdepim will not be ready for a 4.5
> > Beta1 that is scheduled to happen in a few days.
> > 
> > We estimate an extra month will be needed.
> > 
> > Unfortunately, the massive porting effort to Akonadi (an even bigger
> > job than the Qt3/KDE3 -> Qt4/KDE4 port) is taking longer than we
> > anticipated.
> > 
> > So, we have a couple of choices:
> > 1) insert a 1 month long "alpha" [1], thereby delaying 4.5.0 by 1
> > month
> > 2) keep kdepim out of 4.5.0 and release it separately 1 month
> > later
> > 3) keep kdepim out of 4.5.0 and release it again for 4.6.0
> > 
> > Of course, I'd opt for choice 1.
> > But there is simply no way we can put kdepim out there even in a beta
> > at this time.
> My suggestion (as an outsider) is to opt for choice 3 or, more
> precisely, to opt for the following variant of 3:
> - Take the time until 4.6.0 to make the Akonadi port of kdepim rock.
> - Move current trunk/KDE/kdepim to a branch.
> - Copy current branches/KDE/4.4/kdepim to trunk, i.e. revive kdepim 4.4
> for KDE SC 4.5.
> - Probably keep kaddressbook trunk.
> - Optionally, spend the time until 4.5.0 to fix the most annoying
> shortcomings in kdepim 4.4.

I would suggest improvements to KAdressBook and Akonadi for KDE 4.5 
already, and keeping out KMail 2. Thus doing it *one step at a time*. 
First stabilize Akonadi based KAddressBook and then introduce KMail 2 - 
that I am really looking forward too.

I find especially the following bug very annoying:

often does not find resource agents on first start of Kontact

This just gave the impression of alpha/beta quality software to me. And 
thats in KDE 4.4.3!

For me it helped to run "akonadictl start" via KRunner before starting 
Kontact, but everytime I forget this I have to quit Kontact and restart it 

Another issue I found is that something KAddressBook doesn't show any 
contact entry contents anymore. The list is still there, but if I click on 
a contact its details are not displayed. There are no error messages, just 
a blank page. I did not report it yet due to lack of time and due to that 
I could not make up a pattern in this yet.

Also there has been a lot of resentment against having a MySQL server 
running for each KDE user, for example on debian-kde.

So if a SQLite based Akonadi would be ready for KDE 4.5, even if just for 
KAddressBook, this would be an improvement that quite some users may 
receive very well.


Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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