[Kde-pim] How to report bugs with sensitive info?

Ryan Rix ry at n.rix.si
Wed Jun 23 20:55:23 BST 2010

On Wed 23 June 2010 12:21:53 pm Markus wrote:
> Hi.
> I received a mail with attachments and one of the file names is displayed
> completely wrong.
> I'd like to report the bug, but I can't attach the mail to a Bugzilla
> report, because it contains sensitive information.
> I'd like to ask is anybody is willing to look into it. Then I'd forward
> him/her the mail in private.

Doesn't bugzilla specifically have a feature to mark bug reports as security 
sensitive so that they are only viewable by the filer and the assignee (kind 
of like how we handle sysadmin bugs right now)

> Bye
> Markus

Ryan Rix
== http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://rix.si/ ==
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