[Kde-pim] KDE SC 4.4: How to tell Addressbook to reload/refresh data from IMAP?
Markus Feilner
lists at feilner-it.net
Mon Feb 22 10:57:50 GMT 2010
Am Freitag, 19. Februar 2010 17:46:53 schrieb Stephen Kelly:
> Markus Feilner wrote:
> > Hello List,
> Hi Markus,
> > How can I tell Kontact/Kadressbookof SC 4.4 to regularly refresh the
> > Groupware data stored in my dIMAP account? SC 4.4 behaves strangely here,
> > I can edit local data, but it doesn't upload them to the IMAP server, and
> > changed data don't reach the adressbook.. If I change the data with
> > another (KDE 3.5) kontact client (on a dfferent machine), the (mails
> > containing the) contact entries are immediately changed. But the KDE 4.4
> > Kontact won't nobviously notice that unless I remove the adressbook and
> > add it again from scratch.
> This seems like a bug introduced late just before the 4.4.0 release, and
> already fixed in 4.4.1. Do the contacts appear if you restart kaddressbook?
> Steve.
Thanks Steven, no, only the cached version is loaded. Akonadi, Nepomuk, Strigi and all the required
MySQL-Stuff is running without errors :-), but the data seems only to be reloaded from the server
when adding it as a new adressbook. I switched to "Read-Only" to make sure not to have inconsistent
data... I can live with that until 4.4.1 is available... :-)
BTW: I noticed that the data changed locally survives a reboot, am I right? I added a friend as a
contact account, that entry now permanently resides only on my client, and it is never updated to my
IMAP server ...
I am using KMail Version 1.13.0 on KDE 4.4.00 (KDE 4.4.0) "release 224", on Open Suse.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - Best Regards,
Markus Feilner,
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Markus Feilner
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