[Kde-pim] QgpgME

Matthias Fuchs mat69 at gmx.net
Sun Oct 11 16:12:08 BST 2009

On Sunday 11 October 2009 12:16:22 Frank Osterfeld wrote:
> I think there are some cases where gpgme_verify_result_t says both
>  "signature green" but also has some error set. I ran into a similar case
>  (untrusted key, iirc), where I didn't know how to interpret the
>  verification result correctly. You could debug into it until you have the
>  gpgme_verify_result_t, "print" it in gdb and send the output.
> Frank

Ok, I tried around a little and it seems that I get correct summary-messages 
as long as there is an error, like the keys are not available or they are Red, 
but if the key should be correct it returns None and in 
GpgME::Signature::summary() gpgme_sigsum_t sigsum is also 0.

So what I wonder is, should I use summary only if there was an error 
(signature.status() == true), because status reports correctly?

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