[Kde-pim] [akonadi-ports branch] problems with building in a clean directory

Brad Hards bradh at frogmouth.net
Tue Oct 20 22:47:11 BST 2009

When I try to build the whole akonadi-ports branch with a clean build
directory, I get the following results:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `kmail/org.kde.kmail.kmail.xml', needed by `libkdepimdbusinterfaces/kmailinterface.cpp'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [libkdepimdbusinterfaces/CMakeFiles/kdepimdbusinterfaces.dir/all] Error 2

It looks like we need to build at least that part of kmail before building
libkdepimdbusinterfaces. I can see a few options:
1. move the qt4_generate_dbus_interface() part from kmail/CMakeLists.txt
to libkdepimdbusinterfaces/CMakeLists.txt. Seems ugly.
2. reorder the top level (akonadi-ports/kdepim/CMakeLists.txt to build 
kmail first).  Complicated by the fact that kmail may not even be built,
which means that libkdepimdbusinterfaces may not be built, which
will cause more dependency hell.
3. Not support a full build without some intervention (cmakekde, let it break,
then manually build kmail, then restart the full build). Probably OK for
the branch, but we need a better fix to merge to trunk.

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