[Kde-pim] kde 3.5.10 svn kpilotDaemon always crashing when trying to sync

Karolina karolina.lindqvist at kramnet.se
Sun Mar 1 13:30:34 GMT 2009

Since a while, kpilotDaemon always crashes when I tries to sync to my Palm.
I have tried two different ones, Palm Vx, and Treo 180, with the same result.

The crash occures from calendarlocal.cpp:
(the commented out lines are my modification, see below)

void CalendarLocal::deleteAllJournals()
  Journal::List::ConstIterator it;
  for( it = mJournalList.begin(); it != mJournalList.end(); ++it ) {
    notifyIncidenceDeleted( *it );

//  mJournalList.setAutoDelete( true );
    mJournalList.clearAll(); <<<<<<<<<<<<< here
//  mJournalList.setAutoDelete( false );

The actual crash occurs in listbase.h called from above.

 void clearAll()
      if ( mAutoDelete ) {
        for ( QValueListIterator<T*> it = QValueList<T*>::begin();
              it != QValueList<T*>::end(); ++it ) {
          delete *it; <<<<<<<<<<<<<< here

A stopgap is to comment out the mJournalList.setAutoDelete, as I have done.
The crash is "illegal instruction", on the "delete". I can't figure out how it 
is supposed to work, but is possibly "delete" not a legal way to deallocate 

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