[Kde-pim] Propossal: Akonadi::Model::ItemCreateJob

Eduardo Robles Elvira edulix at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 10:32:32 BST 2009

>From  Stephen Kelly <steveire () gmail ! com>:
> I counter-propose that the existing ItemCreateJob get a newItem() method, which would \
> allow using it in a similar way to the ItemFetchJob::items() method. That way we \
> don't have to create new jobs and wrappers, you'd just connect the finished signal to \
> a slot where you call newItem and display that in your dialog.
>http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdepimlibs-apidocs/akonadi/html/classAkonadi_1_1ItemCreateJ \
> ob.html
> http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdepimlibs-apidocs/akonadi/html/classAkonadi_1_1ItemFetchJo \
> I think this solves your open issues too.

But how does that solve the problem of  knowing the index of the item
in the model when it's being inserted? I already have a reference to
the item being inserted, I inserted  it. What I need is to have that
item actually in the model and to be able to refer to it with a
QModelIndex in order to make it the selected item. Sorry if my email
was not  enough  clear in that part. That's why the new ItemCreateJob
I suggested has a reference to the model and why it has a method
called itemIndex() which returns the QModelIndex in the model. I need
a Model-aware ItemCreateJob.

I miss how can I do that with just a reference to the item
(ItemCreateJob::item() method) but if  it's doable please tell me  how
:P Again, any other suggestions will be welcomed hehe

Thanks for your time,
    Eduardo Robles Elvira.
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