[Kde-pim] i18n bug in kpilot trunk+4.2

Burkhard Lück lueck at hube-lueck.de
Sat Feb 28 09:32:46 GMT 2009

Am Samstag 28 Februar 2009 01:39:19 schrieb Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper:
> Wow, so I apologize... I've never dealt with the i18n side of things
> before, I'm embarrassed to say.
> First, I would think you'd want "> rc.cpp" instead of ">> rc.cpp", so the
> next run doesn't append the output of $EXTRACTRC? And in looking at some
> other Messages.sh in kdepim, do we also want "-o -name "*.kcfg"?
">> rc.cpp" is ok, scripty does handle that properly.
The kcfg strings are not user visible so far, but after discussing this on 
#kde-i18n with the coordinator(s), they should be extracted too.

> But to your question... I am new to this, so I don't understand what
> Messages.sh is or how it is used. Where is EXTRACTRC defined? Is this
> something that the KPilot maintainer needs to run periodically?
No, that is done by kde's i18n tool chain aka scripty, please don't touch 
anything there (hmm but you can't, I am shure you don't even know where 
scripty lives in svn ;-) 
scripty is managed only by kde-i18n-doc.

To get some background Information, please read

> I'll need to look at the new strings it is finding to better-answer your
> question.
Jason, I don't want to through 350 new strings into the transtation system in 
a string frozen branch, if some of these strings are extracted from 
unused/old/test source files, the translators will kill me.

Please tell me only, if some of these ui/rc files are not used in the released 
version and therefore can be excluded from the message extraction, and I take 
care of the rest.

Burkhard Lück
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