[Kde-pim] linklocator.cpp change in parsing URLs

Martin Koller kollix at aon.at
Sat Aug 1 23:44:42 BST 2009


in wanting to fix https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201900
which mainly is about allowing "()" chars in an URL, I'd like to propose this patch.
Does anyone know why there is this restriction with "<>()[]" implemented at all ?
Can't this be simply removed ?

 (The comment above:
  // handle cases like this: <link>http://foobar.org/</link>
 only gives a small hint, but still () [] could be removed)

Index: linklocator.cpp
--- linklocator.cpp     (Revision 1005193)
+++ linklocator.cpp     (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
     int start = mPos;
     while ( mPos < (int)mText.length() &&
             mText[mPos] > ' ' && mText[mPos] != '"' &&
-            QString( "<>()[]" ).indexOf( mText[mPos] ) == -1 ) {
+            QString( "<>[]" ).indexOf( mText[mPos] ) == -1 ) {

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

Martin    ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 
          /\                        - against microsoft attachments

Geschenkideen, Accessoires, Seifen, Kulinarisches: www.bibibest.at
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