[Kde-pim] Problem with generating notificationmanagerinterface.h (kdepimlibs/akonadi on Windows)
Jarosław Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Thu May 1 19:07:08 BST 2008
I have problems with generating proper include for dbus iface on Windows.
In kdepimlibs/akonadi we have the following lines:
set_source_files_properties(${akonadi_xml} PROPERTIES INCLUDE
qt4_add_dbus_interface( akonadikde_LIB_SRC ${akonadi_xml}
notificationmanagerinterface )
This generates notificationmanagerinterface.h and .cpp.
The second line should prepend #include "notificationmessage_p.h" to the
former, but on windows the command line was:
dbusxml2cpp -m -p notificationmanagerinterface
The effect is that Akonadi::NotificationMessage::List is undefined:
[ 0%] Building CXX object
: error C2653: 'Akonadi'
: is not a class or namespace name
Attached the generated file.
cmake 2.4.8.
regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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