[Kde-pim] branches/KDE/4.0/kdepimlibs/mailtransport

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sat Jan 26 15:22:06 GMT 2008

On Saturday 26 January 2008, Tom Albers wrote:
> Ok, now I'm going to try to stay friendly.  Mailody is not released and
> will most probably not be released for 4.1.0. So now it is up to you to
> explain why I have Mailody on my mind in this discussion. And I care a lot
> to receive this explanation.

Well, I thought Mailody was what you were mainly thinking of when speaking 
of "other" (i.e. non-kdepim) "applications which want to use mailtransports", 
looks like I was wrong, sorry. But now, let's be realistical, what other 
KDE-based mail clients than KMail/Kontact and Mailody are there? If Mailody 
is not the problem (sorry for having assumed that), then what is? And it 
would become a non-issue with kdepim 4.1+ anyway.

But I actually think (also as a result of this discussion) that the best 
solution would be to have the script not remove the old settings, but keep 
both the old and the new migrated ones (as also suggested by Kevin Krammer). 
We could even reenable it in Fedora if it did that, so the users of the 
aforementioned applications (if they exist) on Fedora would be happy too.

        Kevin Kofler
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