[Kde-pim] Osnabrueck Meeting Notes: Akonadi

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Mon Feb 4 23:12:40 GMT 2008


here is the second part of the meeting notes from Osnabrueck, covering most of 
the Akonadi related discussions:

Plans for 4.1

Move libakonadi and at least libakonadi_kmime to kdepimlibs.
We'll probably have a meeting in March to do API reviewing/fixing for that.
See also Cornelius' mail.

Feedback by current users

- Cache policies are missing, only a complete fetch of all folders is
  currently possible, see below.

- There is no way to set and retrieve the size of an item, neither for
  the current item size nor for the full item size reported from the
  backend (supported eg. by IMAP, POP3).
  Proposed solution: Add generic item property to set/get the size,
  unless an extra item part this allows server side support for eg.
  determining the folder size.

- Item internal add date: Hm, I don't remember why this was needed,
  but it's basically there already in the server and just needs
  to be exported in the client API.

- Support item streaming in itemsync.cpp to avoid keeping all
  items in memory, which is especially a problem for non-incremental

- Add API for type-safe access to additional item parts (those not
  covered by the payload), similar to what we have for collection

- Configuration handling. Currently resource agents show their own
  config dialog on request, there is no way of integrating this into
  an application dialog or eg. implement a wizard.
  Proposed solution: Embedding of resrouce/account configuration is
  not used by any current application, all use separate dialogs.
  So, we don't need to change that part, except for adding a parameter
  for the parent window id to the method to fix the usual window
  management problems with out of process dialogs.
  Additionally we'll add an interface to set and retrieve single config
  settings from the resource, using a string key and a variant value.
  ResourceBase will implement those methods and map them to a
  KConfigSkeleton (KConfigXT generated code) for convenience. This
  will allow configuring resources from external applications such
  as wizards or migration tools.

- Showing additional dialogs (eg. password request) from resources:
  Add a method to ResourceBase to request a parent window id for them.
  Additionally add a systray icon (eg. to akonadi_control) to have a
  hook into the GUI for the background processes to show status, progress
  or error messages etc.

- Limiting ItemFetchJob to data in the local cache is still not possible,
  causing a full download of everything if any search index feeder is

- Conflict detection: We might need a convenience API for resources to
  remember the last seen revision to be able to detect conflicts when
  writing changes from the backend to Akonadi.

- The API for collection and item modification jobs is really broken,
  telling the job again is way to cumbersome.

Cache policy requirements

Cache policies are supposed to specify which data is kept locally, for
how long and how/when it is downloaded. We came up with the following
requirements which should cover everything we have up to now:

There is one cache policy per collection, it can either define to
inherit all properties of the policy of the parent collection (the default)
or specify the following values:

- The item parts that should be permanently kept locally and are downloaded
  during a collection sync (eg. full mail vs. just the headers).
- A time up to which non-permantly cached item parts have to be kept at
  least (0 - infinity).
  [Do we also need a size limit for the cache as well?]
- Wether or not a collection sync is triggered on demand, ie. as soon
  as it is accessed by a client.
- An optional time interval for regular collection sync (aka interval
  mail check).

This has been mostly implemented during the meeting, together with the
necessary interface to only sync a single collection.

Nepomuk integration

Tobias, could you fill that in please?

Did I miss anything? Comments?

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