[Kde-pim] multiple selection and hitting assert in KMMainWidget::slotMsgPopup
Szymon Tomasz Stefanek
pragma at kvirc.net
Sat Dec 13 13:41:33 GMT 2008
On Saturday 13 December 2008, Thomas McGuire wrote:
> Typical KMail crash. The msg was deleted via unGet() behind our back and
> became invalid. Fixed in r896262.
After 4.2 I strongly suggest planning an attack to the KMFolder & KMMessage
part of KMail. This is also a step in the KMail breakdown plan for the akonadi
We must assume that we have not enough work power for doing all this in a
short period of time so we should plan carefully a sequence of small,
compatible moves that can be done directly on trunk (and that would
help a lot keeping the branches synchronized) or in small temporary
Some sketch ideas (please comment, expand, flame on...):
- move the whole storage part into a source subfolder: KMFolder,
KMMessage and anything that is more low level. This can be done
in a rather painless trunk move.
A good idea would be to move it even one level deeper.
Say subfolder "storage/core".
- Develop a reference counted abstraction layer for the storage
(and place it in subfolder "storage"):
- Wrap KMFolder in a shared reference counted KMail::Folder class.
- Wrap KMMessage and KMMsgBase (both!) in a KMail::Message object.
The Message object should be shared, reference counted and
keep a reference to the folder, in some way.
This will be probably a tricky part since complex (and sometimes
weird) things happen in the current source at this level. Support
from experienced KMail developers will be probably needed.
This step can be possibly done without touching much stuff
in the existing source: it would be just a new layer wrapping some classes.
- Move all the outside components to use the layer above instead of
the original storage classes. This will be probably a large work
to be splitted in small chunks for every subcomponent that needs
to be ported.
- When everything of the above is done (and it will take its time)
think about attaching the akonadi storage layer in place of (or
in parallel to?) the KMFolder / KMMessage machinery...
(subfolder "storage/akonadi")
Szymon Tomasz Stefanek
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