[Kde-pim] user css controlled mail appereance... reload.

Thomas Lübking thomas.luebking at web.de
Tue Dec 23 22:22:17 GMT 2008

Am Tuesday 23 December 2008 schrieb Stephen Kelly:
> Thomas Lübking wrote:
> > yes, but it's just a simple placeholder template
> > never used kjots (sorry :-() but from above snippet:
> > wouldn't just custon ccs'ing be sufficient? (why not)
> Not to worry, it's nothing kjots specific.
hehe... thing's: i actually had no idea what kjots ends up looking like (i.e. 
where you need html) and where it uses headers...

an outdated patch for kmail can be found up in this thread
(but it just reads a "header.inc" and substitutes some "$placeholder" with 
actual content) - it's nowhere in svn or kdelibs or so (and quite inefficient, 
as i didn't parse the inc serially - it's usually short)

> Without seeing it, i'm not sure whether custom css is sufficient. It may
> very well be. What if template authors don't want to use the html template
> I supply though? What if they want a different number of rows or columns in
> the header table?
ok, i "tested" kjots (i don't 100% understand the purpose, but:)

1. embedding a custom css file shouldn't be a big deal
2. you atm, yuo provide a toc + a footer
dynamic content (i've seen so far) are the toc, #toc and #pageX links (and the 
actual page content)
a) you'll probably need 2 templates (one for the toc, one for the footer, or 
even a complete page)
b) while the page include should be no problem at all (leaving alone i18n, a 
placeolder for the page number "$page" should be fully suffcient) doing 
"freaky" things like dynamically spreading content around multiple columns 
will require some dynamics. (the look of the list itself and artificial 
content ads can be widely adjusted using css (:before, :after, maybe using 

as for using multiple toc columns:
one could make <li> inline-block and assign a width (%), but this leads to a 
"multirow" list  (bullets can still be faked in)
Page 1			Page2			Page3
Page4			Page5			Page6

(i did never understand why a multicol attribute never made it into html...)

finally a stupid question:
as it seems reasonable to allow e.g. collapsing the index, would js be an 
option? (in general i don't like clientside scripting, but here it would be 
really required for a local style and pull or personal content, it should be 

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