[Kde-pim] wikinew.kde.org to replace kontact.kde.org

Thorsten Staerk Thorsten at Staerk.de
Thu Aug 14 09:43:58 BST 2008

Hi Pimsters,

a maintainer's day is hard: After some lucky inspired hours of programming
your favorite application you think to yourself: "And still I have not
updated the documentation". WOOSH, all your good feeling is away. And the
next week you will be in a hotel that only provides www access to the
internet, all other ports blocked. No chance to do an SVN commit to the
KDE web page. And after that week you forgot what you wanted to change.

Do you know this situation?

But there is help: http://wikinew.kde.org allows you to migrate your
documentation to a wiki. Since about one year I maintain ktimetracker's
canonical page in a wiki, and I can tell it is worth the migration. Having
spoken with a lot of people here at Akademy, I would like to tell you:

* wiki.kde.org is seen as obsolete and ugly
* we plan to keep techbase.kde.org for development, organizational,
usability and other topics.
* we plan to add userbase.kde.org for user topics ("what would interest
your mother")
* wiki.kde.org will redirect to userbase.kde.org in the long run
* the new wiki userbase.kde.org is being prepared under the address
* I recommend that you move your application's user page from
kontact.kde.org to wikinew.kde.org. And that you redirect the old site to
the wiki.

The advantages are obvious:
* if a user criticizes your application's documentation, you can just tell
him "then update it"
* we lower the barrier for new contributors - we get more help
* users contribute and improve the documentation - less work for us
* you can work even if you only have www access
* I will contribute to your page. Promised ;)

So, let's all start our documentation work at http://wikinew.kde.org


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