[Kde-pim] Introducing myself: Want to contribute to KDE PIM

Manish Chakravarty manishchaks at gmail.com
Wed May 9 16:59:14 BST 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am Manish Chakravarty, a 23 year old programmer from Bangalore, India.

I am okay with Qt3/KDE3 and Qt4 programming.
I have been trying to port KaXUL to KDE4 for sometime now.

I really want to contribute to KDE PIM. (Particulary KMail)

I have worked on Qt3/4 in a professional capacity as well.

I have a KDE SVN account (mchakravarty) and can be seen on #kde ( irc 
nick: monzie)

I would love to contribute to kdepim for KDE4. Please tell me where I 
should start from.

Manish Chakravarty
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