[Kde-pim] Fwd: deprecated calls in kdepimlibs

David Jarvie lists at astrojar.org.uk
Wed Jan 17 18:29:11 GMT 2007

Hi Didier,

Sorry it's taken so long to reply.

On Friday 12 January 2007 18:57, didier chagniot wrote:
> * the first point seems easy to solve: use of KDateTime::fromString(string,
> Format=QDateTime).

KDateTime::fromString() is only guaranteed to work if a time zone offset is 
specified in the string, but since the existing code uses 
QDateTime::fromString(), that can't be the case. You need to establish which 
time zone is being used, and then probably call

   KDateTime( QDateTime::fromString(...), [TIMEZONE] );

Even then, if UTC is involved, you need to be very careful about conversions 
of UTC to/from local time.

> * For the second point I've read the deprecated code :
> setDtEnd( QDateTime::fromString( s ) ).
> The time zone is local (UTC) or dtStart().timeSpec() is used (if valid).
> in formatter.cpp, two lines above setDtEnd( QDateTime::fromString( s ) ),
> setDtStart is set:
> event->setDtStart( QDateTime::fromString( s ) ); // ## Format??
> Should I put :
> ------------------------------------------------------
> setFromStringDefault(event->dtStart().timeSpec());
> event->setDtEnd( KDateTime::fromString(s, Format=QDateTime));
> ------------------------------------------------------
> instead of :
> event->setDtEnd( QDateTime::fromString( s ) );

I notice that there is a deprecated form of setDtStart() immediately before 
the setDtEnd(). That call also needs to be replaced in the same way as the 
setDtEnd() call. It's probable (although not absolutely guaranteed without 
checking the RFC) that they will both use the same time zone.

In order to remove the deprecated calls, you need to determine exactly which 
time zone the input text assumes. For this, you need to refer to the RFC 
which defines the input format, or ask one of the kdepim developers who 
knows. It's quite likely that it will be UTC, but it might be the local time 
zone, or perhaps even something else. There's no way to do it properly 
without being sure.

Once you've found this out, you should read the KDateTime API documentation 
for the relevant functions thoroughly before writing the new code. It's very 
easy to get things wrong if you are converting QDateTime values to/from UTC.

You've picked on a somewhat difficult topic here, so if you need further help 
once you've found out what time zones should be used, just ask.

David Jarvie.
KAlarm author and maintainer.
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