[Kde-perl] Error in Qt::Table::text(i, j), Qt::TableItem::text().

Alexey Dashevsky alex at kpgaz.chernigov.ua
Wed Jun 1 14:18:24 CEST 2005

Hello all!

Thank for amicable silence;-)

Has refreshed files from cvs PerlQt-3, the memory leak at plotting the table 
has stopped. But memory flows also by call of methods Qt::Table::text(i, j), 

This bugs will be corrected?

I hope to the aid, Alexey.

For example, make active any way a method paint the given table.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Table;
use Qt;
use Qt::isa qw(Qt::Table);

sub NEW { shift->SUPER::NEW(@_[0..2]); }

sub paintCell {
    my( $p, $row, $col, $cr, $selected ) = @_;
    return if ( $cr->width() == 0 || $cr->height() == 0 );
    my $cg = colorGroup();
    text($row, $col);
    SUPER->paintCell( $p, $row, $col, $cr, $selected, $cg );


package main;
use Qt;
use Table;

my $a = Qt::Application(\@ARGV);
my $w = Table(100, 250, undef);
exit $a->exec;

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