[Kde-perl] a little question

slash giuseppecoviello at tin.it
Wed Jan 7 21:32:33 CET 2004

hi, i've a little question!
i've observed that any operation on widget took effect after the
esecution of the sub where the operation is contenuted in; for example:

sub prova
	textedit->setText("i'm going to download a linux distro iso");
	$tmp=`wget ftp://a.ftp.server/linux.iso`;

the text in the textedit became "i'm going to download a linux distro iso" only when the download is finished (and the esecution of the sub "prova" is terminated). Is there any way to obtain that the text of textedit became "i'm ..." before that the download start (before the end of the sub)

Thank you all!

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