[Kde-perl] Right Click Menu

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Sat Aug 30 19:17:52 CEST 2003

On Saturday 30 August 2003 17:34, Steffen Liebergeld wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam writing a program (using perl-Qt) including a Qt::ListView Widget.
> But I can´t figure out how to add a right-mouse-click menu to this
> widget.
> I would be pleased if you could give me a hint.
You need to create a popup menu, and subclass Qt::ListView to override 
mousePressEvent to show the menu if 'event.button() == RightButton'. Here is 
an example in perl (this might be wrong, I haven't tried the code):

		$popupmenu = Qt::PopupMenu();
		$popupmenu.insertItem("&Clear", this, SLOT("slotClearArea()"));

		sub mousePressEvent() {
			if ($_[0].button() == RightButton) {

-- Richard

PS: And in ruby:
		@_popupmenu = Qt::PopupMenu.new()
		@_popupmenu.insertItem( "&Clear", self, SLOT( "slotClearArea()" ) )

		def mousePressEvent(event)
			if event.button() == RightButton
				@_popupmenu.exec( Qt::Cursor.pos() )

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