[Kde-perl] Can't debug PQT app ...
Germain Garand
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 15:46:54 +0000
Le Mercredi 18 D=E9cembre 2002 07:13, Steve Sloan a =E9crit :
> I'm having a problem debugging apps under the Perl debugger. Take
> the simplest-case PerlQt app:
> use Qt; my $App =3D Qt::Application( \@ARGV );
> Invalid Qt::Application object. Couldn't set Qt::app()
> Any ideas? Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Hello Steve,
Alas yes, the Perl debugger is buggy.
It can't handle lvalue subs assignment.=20
It means that whenever you assign something to "this" or to a Qt::attribu=
it will hold "undef" under the debugger.
See BR #17663: http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=3D17663
There's not much we can do except finding the bug (tough luck).
So that's why I added debugging channels in the first place : to give cor=
debugging feedback while the debugger is broken.
perl -MQt::debug=3Dall YourProg.pl is your only friend.=20