[Kde-perl] PerlQt-3.004-RC2
Germain Garand
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 20:37:32 +0000
Le Jeudi 12 D=E9cembre 2002 15:28, St=E9phane Payrard a =E9crit :
> Hi Germain,
> 1/ I tried you recommandation (--with-treshold=3D0) and many other thi=
> Eventually, recompiled everything with debuggin enabled (qt-x11-free-3.=
> and PerlQt-3.004-RC2) from scratch and my problem disappeared.
> I still don't understand the cause.
Good. Might have been an rpath issue. Libsmoke doesn't use rpath at the=20
moment, so it might pick a wrong libqt-mt, if it's in the way.
> The make clean seems pretty weird nevertheless.
true. I didn't checked it since a while... TODO.
> 2/ About the &Qt::PopupMenu::insertItem, the problem seems a Qt one
> when listing the stack from the core. The called method is indeed
> the expected one.
Ah I see... the function sig. features a *reference* to a QKeySequence.=20
References can't be null, it's invalid, so it is illegal to pass undef=20
(PerlQt's equivalent of a null pointer).
You would pass a zero Qt::KeySequence instead (no need to make a fake):
$menu->insertItem('item', $m, SLOT("showdoc(int)"), Qt::KeySequence(0),10=
In C++, you can pass 0 because the compiler understand it as an implicit=20
construction of a QKeySequence(0). In PerlQt, it must be explicit.
I'll make the marshaller croak... segfaults are too harsh 8)
> Thx.
> I envy you. You certainly have a nicer weather at Lisbonne than in Pari=
Hey, it's a bit chilly, but the light is very nice indeed :-)