[Kde-perl] PerlQt-3.004-RC1

Richard Dale kde-perl@mail.kde.org
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 14:02:57 +0000

Hello Qt/KDE bindings world again..

On Saturday 07 December 2002 5:58 pm, Germain Garand wrote:
> Le Samedi 07 Décembre 2002 17:15, Germain Garand a écrit :
> >(testing of 5.8.1 is planned)
> mmmh... sure it can be planned... however, it seems 5.8.1 doesn't exist.
> I probably dreamed of Perl last night :o)
> Anyway, while I'm on embarrassing things...
> The dreadful KDE theming-related segfault is still there. I've tried
> countless hours to get rid of it by all means but no luck.
> Thus people wanting to distribute there PerlQt application should check the
> "style=" line in ~/.qt/qtrc on the user's system.
> If it's /marble|system(alt)?|riscos/ they should call setStyle("default")
> on their Qt::app object before any call to show (one could also do it
> through a shell script and exec your_program.pl -style=default).

The java bindings are crashing when using hotspot like this:

gertjan@linux:~/kde/kdebindings/kdejava/koala/test/ksystemtray> java Test
kdecore (KIconLoader): Theme tree: (Conectiva Crystal - SVG 0.6)
kdecore (KAction): KActionCollection::KActionCollection( [KSystemTray pointer 
(0x815cf08) to widget test, geometry=700x420+350+315],  ): this = 0x815d268
kdecore (KAccel): KAccel( watch = [KSystemTray pointer (0x815cf08) to widget 
test, geometry=700x420+350+315], pParent = 0x815d268, psName = 
KActionCollection-KAccel ): this = 0x815d4a0
kdecore (KAccel): KAccelActions( KAccelBase = 0x815dac0 ): this = 0x815dac4
kdecore (KAccel): KAccelBase(): this = 0x815dac0
kdecore (KAccel): KStdAction::create( 11=file_quit, 0x815d268,  )

Is it the same as the your PertQt crash? I had a problem before with a 
dynamic_cast in the KStyle code - I changed it to another sort of cast and it 
worked. The same app/library worked in C++, but not java. It might be a good 
idea if the KStyle code checked the replies from the dynamic_casts and logged 
an error. Otherwise it's very difficult to track down.

-- Richard