[Kde-perl] Tests, examples, regression, compatibility

Ashley Winters kde-perl@mail.kde.org
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:18:15 -0800 (PST)

--- Germain Garand <germain@ebooksfrance.com> wrote:
> Also, it would be nice to keep binary compatibility in mind.
> Smoke made it into KDE 3.1... that's a wonderful opportunity for
> gaining 
> adopters... pissing them off by breaking the binary compatibility or
> letting 
> the curent version rot while the work continue elsewhere would be
> sad.

Not just binary compatibility, but source compatibility as well. Does
anyone care to port additional Qt examples or the "new" Qt tutorials
over to PerlQt and report any problems? I've already done the
short/easy ones, so the rest will be more... enlightening. They also
provide a good test suite for PerlQt.

I'm sure there are still features/bugs which are keeping everything
from Qt working, but I've long since forgotten what they are. A list of
bugs (in sourceforge) would be handy moving forward.

Also, if someone knows how to do a test suite for a GUI library, please
enlighten us. I'm more a command-line junky -- a test suite to confirm
that my new-fangled Qt::String class would be easy to write. To be
honest, the Tk test suite has frightened me ever since I started
writing PerlQt. It makes me feel inadequate.

Ashley Winters

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