[Kde-perl] Other languages?

kde-perl@mail.kde.org kde-perl@mail.kde.org
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 11:51:45 -0500

This is true - it is very much a moving target.  But the benefits when =
is finished would be huge!  It would allow you to create the bindings f=
one language (the Parrot bytecode) and this would in turn be used by al=
the other languages(as well as platforms - win32/64, linux32/64, etc).
It's like hitting 20 birds with one stone.

But Stephane is correct - it's not finished yet and is undergoing many
changes.  But hey, you have to start somewhere and I would think this w=
lend a great deal of interest and credibility to both the Qt and Parrot=


Plus, this would be one hell of an awesome platform to write applicatio=
on.  Of course, I am very naive as to how one would make this stuff wor=
Compared to what some of the people on this list are doing, you guys ma=
it look like I'm writing "Hello, world" programs.
Terry Bowling
Verizon NOTD Systems Support

                      "St=E9phane                                      =
                      Payrard"                 To:       kde-perl@mail.=
kde.org                                                        =20
                      <stef@payrard.net        cc:                     =
                      >                        Subject:  Re: [Kde-perl]=
 Other languages?                                              =20
                      Sent by:                                         =
                      kde-perl-admin@ma                                =
                      il.kde.org                                       =
                      12/04/02 11:34 AM                                =
                      Please respond to                                =
                      kde-perl                                         =

On (04/12/02 10:59), terry.bowling@verizon.com wrote:
> From: terry.bowling@verizon.com
> Subject: Re: [Kde-perl] Other languages?
> To: kde-perl@mail.kde.org
> Reply-To: kde-perl@mail.kde.org
> Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:59:50 -0500
> Ashly,
> Sorry about the email formatting - I'm forced to use lotus notes :-/
> How about you create Qt bindings for the Parrot project?  That is the=

> runtime environment that will support perl/python and eventually
> c++/c#/java/ruby/tcl/everythingelseimaginable.
> You could squeeze this into your copious spare time, right?  ;-)

I am monitoring the perl6 lists.
I may miss the obvious, but from what I understand,
Parrot is not quite there yet: objects are not yet supported.
And parrot is a fast moving target so what works one day is broken
the next.

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