Desktop memory usage

Lubos Lunak l.lunak at
Mon Sep 11 23:54:09 CEST 2006

Dne pondělí 11 září 2006 16:24 Martijn Klingens napsal(a):
> Some notes:

> * For the WindowMaker editor, like Alex said, xemacs, or gvim compiled
> against xlib (the 'g' in gvim is not 'gtk', but 'gui', and it doesn't
> require Gtk). For the file manager, indeed Midnight Commander like Alex
> mentioned.

 No. First of all, that doesn't seem to be the common case, knowing several 
Window Maker users, second, it doesn't really matter than much and third, as 
said in the text, I cannot redo any particular test.

> * The alignment of the numbers in several tables seems broken, even with a
>    fixed font. You may want to look at this.

 That's part of final polishing.

> * Isn't a more realistic setup to use the KMix application rather than the
>    applet? The applet might need less memory, but eats way too much screen
>    space and is way too complex for people who only need a simple volume
>    control, so I guess it's out for most people.

 I suppose it needs different defaults then. The applet is much better than 
the systray version when it shows only what's needed.

>    AFAIK the default is the 
>    systray app, so replacing it with the applet is a bit of tweaking for
> the happy few who know about it. (Read: this sounds like cheating.)

 Perhaps, and it's the same with Klipper. But I can't redo that, and maybe the 
defaults should change anyway :).

> * Be careful with the sentence "Interestingly enough using Epiphany in KDE
>    needs more memory than Firefox" -- so does using Konqueror in GNOME.

 It's intentional and that's why that sentence and the following one are 

> * While KOffice is certainly a lot less resource hungry it is also not
> capable enough yet for most people.

 I consider the current accompanying text sufficient.

Lubos Lunak
KDE developer
SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.   e-mail: l.lunak at , l.lunak at
Lihovarska 1060/12   tel: +420 284 028 972
190 00 Prague 9      fax: +420 284 028 951
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