stripping kde libs and binaries

Karl Vogel karl.vogel at
Wed Oct 20 10:21:14 CEST 2004

Juergen Pfennig <info at> wrote in at 

> On Tuesday 19 October 2004 12:53, CPH wrote:
>> What about also running the strip command on libs and binaries ?

That's something the distro's need to do (and they are already doing it, 
AFAIK)... but it's a fact that due to the usage of the kdeinit fork hack,
that most binaries export way more symbols than necessary. (default with 
GCC+ELF is that everything is exported).

GCC 3.4.2 finally has an option to change the default to hidden. A while 
ago I changed my KDE to only export what was needed.. but I didn't get too 
much reponse on the patch, so I stopped working on it.

Anyway.. I haven't followed the lastest changes to KDE, but if I'm not 
mistaken, the QKW work is making this symbol hiding possible for ELF too.

> Even worse - I heard some people say that SuSE patched the Linux
> loader to pre-read the whole binary - which would be horrible if a
> binary would not be stripped. I still hope that I misunderstood
> something. 

You did... it only madvise()'es the PT_LOAD sections of the binaries.

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