Dynamic symbol table

Karl Vogel karl.vogel at seagha.com
Fri Jul 16 11:53:34 CEST 2004

Frans Englich <frans.englich at telia.com> wrote in
news:200407152223.31794.frans.englich at telia.com: 

> Regarding modules, one way I thought of startup optimization was to
> make kcminit threaded in order to keep IO busy and do useful stuff
> while syscalls sleeps. Many of these init kcms deals with hardware and
> they may sleep for long times in their sycalls. For example, I once
> measured how long the kmix kcm took to initialize on my (broken)
> setup: 5 seconds(hot cache). Anyway, threading could be an idea. To
> avoid IO trashing the code could sleep small amounts of time between
> the spawning of threads(an average determined by testing different
> setups, or calculated in some intelligent way). Could anyone who
> actually knows about this stuff deny/"write a patch"/elaborate? :)

Well on my system, most of the time is I/O related.. as the hot start has 
to do exactly the same stuff as the cold start, ie. no extra hw 
initialisation for the cold scenario. (in other words: I do a modprobe 
nvidia;modprobe snd-card-0  before the cold start -- no other kernel 
modules are auto loaded by the system)

> AFAIK, most of the init kcms only contains a couple of LOCs -- the
> code path takes nothing compared to the loading of the library. This

See my other mail for a _far fetched_ idea for reducing the load time :)

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