kdeinit optimization

Karl Vogel karl.vogel at seagha.com
Mon Jul 5 17:37:38 CEST 2004

Some random thoughts...

1) Pre fork

If I'm not mistaken, kdeinit will currently fork() and then dlopen 
the app when a user launches an app.

I'm wondering if there would be any benefit in pre-forking kdeinit
and then having it wait on a pipe to get the app name which is then
dlopen'ed. That way the VMA/fork setup of the process is done before 
the actual startup of a process.

2) Re-exec

Another thing I'm wondering about... should kdeinit have a way to
re-exec?! Since a few systems are now using prelink, long running
KDE apps will have their sharedlibs deleted by prelink, ie. my
kdeinit shows:

024b0000-024cd000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 112847     /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0.5.0
024cd000-024cf000 rw-p 0001d000 fd:02 112847     /usr/lib/libexpat.so.0.5.0
02aff000-02bb7000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 112630
/usr/lib/libkdeinit_kicker.so.#prelink#.PrqghO (deleted)
02bb7000-02bc5000 rw-p 000b7000 fd:02 112630
/usr/lib/libkdeinit_kicker.so.#prelink#.PrqghO (deleted)
0371d000-0375e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:02 112546     /usr/lib/libmng.so.1.0.0
0375e000-03760000 rw-p 00041000 fd:02 112546     /usr/lib/libmng.so.1.0.0

I don't think this has any negative impact (except keeping the deleted
files around, reducing HD space). Maybe a re-exec option would be useful?
Or maybe restart every 24 hours?! 


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