[KDE-Devel] QString optimization using a Proxy class called QStringTemp

Fred P. fprog26 at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 24 00:46:07 CEST 2004

>On Thursday 22 of April 2004 00:28, Fred P. wrote:
>>For more information see:
>>It should work on Qt2, Qt3 or higher, need small modification on QString
>>- QString(int buffer_length, bool dummy);
>>is currently private, you have to change it to public or protected.
>>- You also have to put ~QString to be a virtual function.

>A bit strange requirement for something like QString. Why exactly, just 
>because of a printf() ?

This is an "intensive" test case scenario.

I want to test the SPEED of QString/QStringTemp  VS QString only.

To do this you perform the same operator+
operation MANY times on MANY different sizes
in a timed loop to know the difference.

The reasons why I do it 5000 times or more, is to see an "actual" 

In fact, if you save even 1% in speed overall for all String operator+
without having to recode anything wouldn't that be great?


For actual KDE scenario, I saw someone OPTIMIZING IMAP on KDE-CVS
and I tought that my patch for VCL and MFC could be easily ported to Qt.


More precisely:

George Staikos committed a change to kdebase/kioslave/imap4

11% reduction in malloc()s for dimap sync
14% reduction in strlen()s
result: approximately 7% less cpu

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

George Staikos committed a change to kdebase/kioslave/imap4

another 10.5% faster yet (almost entirely due to eliminating malloc()s)

This could go faster but it would not preserve behaviour exactly, so I will
not risk it at this point.  Someone who speaks IMAP must due the rest.

Diffs: 1, 2, 3

George Staikos committed a change to kdebase/kioslave/imap4

more imap optimizations.  gives ~10% speed boost or so by removing excessive
buffer object creation and resizes, along with other object creation

Diffs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

A similar patch could be made for QCString or similar.

>>Improve speed performance of QString
>>while keeping the syntax readable as is.
>>QStringTemp tmp( 4096 );
>>QString s = tmp + a + b + c + d;
>>uint sz = a::length() + b::length() + c::length() + d::length();
>>QStringTemp tmp( sz );
>>QString s = tmp + a + b + c + d;
>>Another way is to modify the
>>to use QStringTemp implicitely.
>>Performance increase from few ms to 4x faster depending on the buffer size
>>and the size of each string.
>>See test cases screenshots
>>for various buffer size algorithms.

>Do you have any more real-world examples? Concatenating thousands of 6000 
>chars long strings is probably not a very common scenario, and in cases 
>where performance of this could matter there's IMHO not a big difference 
>between explicitly using QStringTemp and QString::operator+=.

There's a big difference, it's easier to read and people wouldn't even have 
to bother
if the algorithm is tweaked properly, so it can anticipate.

>>The Qt version of this code may be released under the GPL/QPL, if needed.

>That's not sufficient for Qt actually, all code for Qt needs to have 
>copyright assigned to TrollTech (because of the commercial versions).

I will approach TrollTech when it will be needed. License issues can be 
the thing is as long as the other version of this patch for others 
and commercial String libraries are kept LGPL, BSD or public domain.

IMHO, I don't think MFC would accept a GPL/QPL patch, neither does Borland.

>Also, that 400+k archive is not the best way how to distribute one 6k .h 
>file and 2k readme file. Distribute it either as your files + diff or just 
>a diff (something like diff -u -p -d -N -r dir.old dir.new > dir.patch).

I will try that, later. =)

Sincerely yours,

>Lubos Lunak
>KDE developer
>SuSE CR, s.r.o.  e-mail: l.lunak at suse.cz , l.lunak at kde.org
>Drahobejlova 27  tel: +420 2 9654 2373
>190 00 Praha 9   fax: +420 2 9654 2374
>Czech Republic   http://www.suse.cz/
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