linux 2.5 kernel related kde startup improvements [Fwd - 2.5.64-mm6]

Alexander Kellett
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 15:34:02 +0100

hiya all.

here's an interesting message that i noticed on 
linux-kernel mailing list today, note that its 
been cut down for your reading pleasure :)

anyone out there feel like being a tester? :)
(assuming you have experience with using devel kernels 
 in the past, i wouldn't touch this otherwise)


----- (non verbatum) Forwarded message from Andrew Morton <> -----

From: Andrew Morton <>
Subject: 2.5.64-mm6

. Starting to concentrate a bit more on the nonlinear mapping and objrmap
  patches.  These conflict to various degrees, but we seem to be getting that
  sorted now.

  To test the nonlinear mapping code more thoroughly I have arranged for all
  executable file-backed mmaps to be treated as nonlinear.

  This means that when an executable is first mapped in, the kernel will
  slurp the whole thing off disk in one hit.  Some IO changes were made to
  speed this up.

  This means that large cache-cold executables start significantly faster.
  Launching X11+KDE+mozilla goes from 23 seconds to 16.  Starting OpenOffice
  seems to be 2x to 3x faster, and starting Konqueror maybe 3x faster too. 

  This might cause weird thing to happen, especially on small-memory machines.

----- End forwarded message -----