Stupid Qt designer base class bloat

John Levon
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:48:07 +0000

On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:35:42PM +0100, Lubos Lunak wrote:

> > Why oh why do they do this ? Not only is it dumb (it should be made
> > abstract, surely), it's just pointless bloat (qt-lyx has 160 of these,
> > and they make up at least 12Kb of entirely wasted .text as far as I can
> > tell).
>  The bodies are not generated for pure virtual slots, so you should probably 
> rather ask TT to make pure virtuals the default (as obviously non-pure 
> virtuals have to have a body).

Rather than what ? This is exactly what I am suggesting should happen :)
