[PATCH] Un-QRegExp'ify KGuiItem::plainText()

Alexander Neundorf kde-optimize@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 18:03:51 +0100

On Monday 27 January 2003 17:29, Maks Orlovich wrote:
> Hi.. Currently KGuiItem uses QRegExp-based replacement to get rid of
> accels. That's slow, and drags us down for about 15ms or so of the startup
> time. The attached patch replaces this with a specialized routine.
> Pros:
> Cuts around 14ms of startup time - timings below.

What machine is it ?

> Cons:
> 1. Binary size larger (by 429 bytes with gcc-3.2.1 -O2). This can be cut
> down to about 160 or so bytes by const-casting unicode() return on the
> stripped string, and accessing it directly - but see 2.

Doesn't matter.
