Missing performance tip? Fonts/XFree

Maks Orlovich kde-optimize@mail.kde.org
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 12:00:34 -0500

> Are there performace implications with adding
> more fonts to a system?

Yes. Adding more Xft fonts affects all apps, since Xft/FontCOnfig read font 
cashes on startup (unless they are really old, as you mentionned, in which 
case Xft will probably do quiet a bit of looking around, too). Adding more 
core fonts affects KHTML and possibly some other apps as well, since it needs 
info on all the fonts on the system for some CSS stuff - and XListFonts is 
pretty slow.  (This may disappear when using Xft2, though, in a possible 
future release of Qt, if a certain developer, who shall remain nameless, will 
remember to send a patch to that effect to TT, and if it's accepted ;-); also 
Qt 3.1.x is faster in the handling of the core font listing than Qt 3.0.x)

>  Under all versions of
> XFree, or just some?

All, although it may be less with latter versions of X (and Qt).